Thursday, February 4, 2010

Is this week over yet?

This has been the longest week EVER! both the little girls have been sick since Monday, and so we have been housebound all week. Not to mention that I rarely get more than 3 or 4 hours of sleep these days and it's not usually in a row. It's been raining non-stop since yesterday morning and is supposed to continue through tomorrow....ugh! On the bright side I am scrap booking Saturday night with a friend I rarely get to see these days :)

OK so to change the subject, I am definitely going to look up marriage counseling and try my hardest to get us in starting next week, so step one is to find a counselor and make the appt. then find a babysitter. This wouldn't be so challenging if we had family or friends that lived close by, but everyone lives about an hour away, which makes it more challenging, but I have hope that it will somehow work out. I will update when I have more info.

Well i suppose I should go and set up some sort of activity for the kiddos they are as stir crazy as I am from being cooped up in the house all week...........bye for now.

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